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Lloyd Hihara


  • PhD, Metallurgy, MIT, (1989)
  • SM, Mech. Engr., MIT, (1985)
  • BS, Mech. Engr., University of Hawai'i at Manoa (1983)

Professional Experience

  • Corrosion Consultant, 1990 - present
  • Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2004 - present
  • Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 1994 - 2004
  • Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 1999 - 2000
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 1989 - 1994


Courses Taught:

  • Undergraduate: Materials Science (ME331); Component Design (ME372); Materials Selection for Design (ME434); Corrosion Engineering (ME436); Machine Design (ME468)
  • Graduate: Fundamentals of Electrochemistry (ME636); Advanced Topics in Materials Science (ME696)

Contact Information:

Hawai'i Corrosion Laboratory
University of Hawai'i 
Department of Mechanical Engineering
2540 Dole Street, Holmes Hall Room 302
Honolulu, HI 96822, USA
Phone: (808) 956-2365
Fax: (808) 956-2373
Email:  hihara@hawaii.edu

Honor Societies:

  • Sigma Xi (MIT)
  • Phi Kappa Phi (UHM)
  • Pi Tau Sigma (UHM)
  • Alpha Lambda Delta (UHM)
  • Phi Eta Sigma (UHM)

Professional Affiliations:

  • The Electrochemical Society
  • The National Association of Corrosion Engineers
  • The Metallurgical Society of AIME ASM International
  • The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Research Activities:

  • “Ceramic Corrosion Testing II (Additional Testing),” Wyle Aerospace Group, 2015 - 2016.
  • “Analysis of Portable Exposure Racks (PERs) for Corrosion Studies Phase II,” Vencore, 2015.
  • “Development of Atmospheric Corrosion Test Protocols for Steel,” Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corporation, 2014 - 2017.
  • “Worldwide Deployment of Portable Exposure Racks (PERs) for Corrosion Studies,” QinetiQ North America, 2013 - 2014.
  • “Galvanic Corrosion Studies of Aluminum Coupled to Non-Passivating and Passivating Alloys in Diverse Micro-Climates, US Air Force Academy, 2013 - 2017.
  • "Development of RFID Corrosivity Sensors," Evigia, 2013.
  • “Corrosion and Corrosion Control Studies of Aluminum Alloys that are Mechanically-Coupled or Adhesively-Bonded to Polymer-Matrix Composites in Diverse Micro-Climates,” US Air Force Academy, 2012 - 2016.
  • “Portable Exposure Racks (PERs) for Corrosion Testing,” QinetiQ North America, 2012.
  • “Ceramic Corrosion Testing,” Wyle, 2012 - 2013.
  • “Correlation of Field and Laboratory Studies on the Corrosion of Various Alloys in a Multitude of Hawaii Climates - 2, US Air Force Academy, 2011 - 2015.
  • “Corrosion Assessment of Undersea Discarded Military Munitions (DMM),” Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), 2011 - 2012.
  • “Pacific Rim Corrosion Assessment and Mitigation Program (PacRimCAMP)," UT-Battelle, LLC, 2011 - 2014.
  • “Corrosion Control Studies of Alloys Using Hybrid Ceramic-Polymer Coatings,” Northrop Grumman Corporation, 2011.
  • “Correlation of Field and Laboratory Studies on the Corrosion of Various Alloys in a Multitude of Hawaii Climates,” US Air Force Academy, 2010 - 2013.
  • “Quasi-Ceramic Silicone Conversion (QCSC) Coating for Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloys,” Office of Naval Research, 2009 - 2010.

Research Activities (continued):

  • "Corrosion Control Studies of Aluminum and Aluminum-Composite Interfaces in Diverse Micro-Climates," U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2009 - 2013.
  • “Atmospheric Corrosion Research in Hawaii Microclimates,” Mandaree Enterprise Corporation, 2008 - 2012.
  • “Pacific Rim Environmental Degradation of Materials Research Program Phase II,” US Army TACOM-ARDEC, 2007 - 2009.
  • “Pacific Rim Environmental Degradation of Materials Research Program,” US Army TACOM-ARDEC, 2006 - 2009.
  • “Pacific Rim Corrosion Research Program, Addendum,” US Army TACOM-ARDEC, 2005 - 2006.
  • “Research Instrumentation to Enhance Corrosion Studies in Tropical Soils ,” PI: Chittaranjan Ray, Co-PIs: Lloyd Hihara, Joseph Lichwa, Defense University Research Instrumentation Program, Department of Defense, Army, 2005.
  • “Pacific Rim Corrosion Research Program, Phase III,” US Army TACOM-ARDEC, 2005 - 2006.
  • “Advanced-Electronic Materials Reliability Project,” Northrup Grumman, 2003 - 2004.
  • “Pacific Rim Corrosion Research Program, Phases I and II,” US Army TACOM-ARDEC, 2003 - 2005.
  • “Hawaii Corrosion Project ,” Concurrent Technologies Corporation, 2000 - 2003.
  • “Sol-Gel Ceramic Films for Hermetic Coatings Development ,” TRW Foundation, 1998 - 2004.
  • “Electrochemical Machining of SiC/Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composites,” TRW Foundation, 1997 - 2004.
  • “Aluminum/Silicon Composite (A40) Corrosion Studies ,” TRW Foundation, 1993 - 1997.

Selected Publications:

  1. Raghu Srinivasan and L.H. Hihara, “Correlation of Laboratory and Field Exposure of Localized Corrosion at Magnesium-Ceramic Interfaces", NACE Corrosion 2015 Conference, March 15-19, Dallas, Texas. Accepted.
  2. A. Tiwari, L.H. Hihara, “Nanoindentation and morphological analysis of novel green quasi-ceramic nanocoating materials,” Progress in Organic Coatings, 77, 2014, 1200-1207.
  3. Atul Tiwari, L.H. Hihara, James Rawlins, Eds: Book: “Intelligent Coatings for Corrosion Control,” Butterworth-Heinemann, 2014.
  4. L.H. Hihara, “Chapter 1 Electrochemical Aspects of Corrosion-Control Coatings,” in Book: “Intelligent Coatings for Corrosion Control,” Eds: Atul Tiwari, L.H. Hihara, James Rawlins, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2014.
  5. L.H. Hihara, R. Adler, R.M. Latanision, Eds: Book: “Environmental Degradation of Traditional and Advanced Materials,” Taylor and Francis Publishers, 2014.
  6. L.H. Hihara, “Chapter 12 Metal-Matrix Composites,” in “Environmental Degradation of Traditional and Advanced Materials,” Eds: L.H. Hihara, R. Adler, R.M. Latanision, Taylor and Francis Publishers, 2014, pp. 297 – 334.
  7. Raghu Srinivasan, L.H. Hihara, “Chapter 1 Forms of Metallic Corrosion: An Overview,” in “Environmental Degradation of Traditional and Advanced Materials,” Eds: L.H. Hihara, R. Adler, R.M. Latanision, Taylor and Francis Publishers, 2014, pp. 3 – 20.
  8. Shruti Tiwari, L.H. Hihara, “Development of the Atmospheric Corrosion Model of Nickel-Coated Carbon Reinforced Aluminum (Al/C/50f) MMCs,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 2014 161(9): C382-C388.
  9. Shengxi Li, L.H. Hihara, “Aerosol Salt Particle Deposition on Metals Exposed to Marine Environments: A Study Related to Marine Atmospheric Corrosion,” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161, 5, C268-C275, 2014.
  10. Raghu Srinivasan and L.H. Hihara, “Correlation between Field Exposure and Laboratory Corrosion Tests for Galvanic Couples between Titanium Diboride and Aluminum Using the Zero-Resistance Ammeter Technique in Humid Environments”, ECS Transaction, Volume 45, Issue 19, 2013. Pp: 77-89
  11. A. Tiwari, L.H. Hihara, “Deciphering the Inert Atmosphere Degradation Patterns in Hybrid Silicones,” Polymer Degradation and Stability, Volume 97, Issue 9, September 2012, Pages 1633–1643.
  12. A. Tiwari, L.H. Hihara, “Effect of inorganic constituent on nanomechanical and tribological properties of polymer, quasi-ceramic and hybrid coatings,” Surface and Coatings Technology 206, 2012, 4606-4618.
  13. Shengxi Li, L.H. Hihara, “In situ Raman spectroscopic identification of the rust formation in Evans' droplet experiments,” Electrochemistry Communications, Volume 18, 2012, Pages 48–50.
  14. Shengxi Li, L.H. Hihara, “In situ Raman spectroscopic study of NaCl particle-induced marine atmospheric corrosion of carbon steel,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2012 volume 159, issue 4, C147-C154.
  15. R. Sugamoto, G. Hawthorn, L.H. Hihara, “Comparison of Atmospheric Chloride Deposition Measurement Techniques in a Multitude of Microclimates,”  2011 DoD Corrosion Conference, Palm Spring CA, Aug. 2011.
  16. R. Srinivasan, L.H. Hihara, “The Effects of Weather Parameters on Outdoor Corrosion Tests for Various Ceramic- Aluminum Couples, 2011 DoD Corrosion Conference, Palm Spring CA, Aug. 2011.
  17. A. Tiwari, L.H. Hihara, “Silicone Ceramer Nanocoatings for Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloys and Galvanized Steel: Study of Coating Degradation in Natural Outdoor Environment,” 2011 DoD Corrosion Conference, Palm Spring CA, Aug. 2011.
  18. H. Ding, L.H. Hihara, “Electrochemical Examinations on the Corrosion Behavior of Boron Carbide Reinforced Aluminum-Matrix Composites,” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2011, Volume 158, No. 5, pp. C118-C124.
  19. L.H. Hihara, “Metal Matrix Composites,” chapter in Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook, ed. R. Winston Revie, John Wiley and Sons, 2011, pp. 481-502.
  20. L.H. Hihara, “Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys: Metal Matrix Composites,” chapter in Shreir’s Corrosion, Volume 3: Corrosion and Degradation of Engineering Materials, Elsevier Publishing, 2010, pp. 2250-2269.
  21. Atul Tiwari and Lloyd H. Hihara,“High Performance Reaction-Induced Quasi-Ceramic Silicone Conversion Coating for Corrosion Protection of Aluminium Alloys”, Progress in Organic Coatings, 69, 16-25 (2010).
  22. H. Ding, L.H. Hihara, “Effect of Embedded Titanium-Containing Particles on the Corrosion of Particulate Alumina Reinforced Aluminum-Matrix Composite,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 157, Issue 2, pp. C79-C85 (2010).
  23. Shengxi Li, L.H. Hihara, “Atmospheric Corrosion Initiation on Steel from Pre-deposited NaCl Salt Particles,” Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology, Volume 45, Number 1, February 2010, pp. 49-56(8).
  24. J. Zhu, L.H. Hihara, Corrosion of Continuous Alumina-Fibre Reinforced Al–2 wt.% Cu–T6 Metal–Matrix Composite in 3.15 wt.% NaCl Solution, Corrosion Science, 2010, vol. 52, no2, pp. 406-415.
  25. Atul Tiwari and L.H. Hihara, "Thermal Stability and Thermokinetics Studies on Silicone Ceramer Coatings: Part 1- Inert Atmosphere Parameters," Polymer Degradation and Stability, Volume 94, Issue 10, October 2009, Pages 1754-1771.
  26. H. Ding, L.H. Hihara, "Galvanic Corrosion in Metal-Matrix Composites Containing Semiconducting Constituents, "Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 156, Issue 12, pp. C422-C427 (2009).
  27. H. Ding, G. A. Hawthorn, and L. H. Hihara, “Inhibitive Effect of Seawater on the Corrosion of Particulate-Reinforced Aluminum-Matrix Composites and Monolithic Aluminum Alloy,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 156, Issue 10, pp. C352-C359 (2009)
  28. Ryan Sugamoto, George A. Hawthorn, and L.H. Hihara, “Comparison of Accelerated Corrosion Tests to Corrosion Performance in Natural Atmospheric Environments,” 2009 DoD Corrosion Conference, Washington DC, August 2009.
  29. Atul Tiwari, Jun Zhu and L.H. Hihara, “The Development of Low-Temperature Hardening Ceramer Coatings for the Corrosion Protection of Metals," Surface and Coating Technology, 202, 19, 2008, Pages 4620-4635.
  30. Raghu Srinivasan and L.H. Hihara, “Correlation Studies between Outdoor Exposure and Accelerated Laboratory Corrosion Tests for Galvanic and Non-Galvanic Ceramic-Aluminum Couples, ECS Trans., 16, (43) p. 101, 2008.
  31. H. Ding, L.H. Hihara, Galvanic Corrosion and Localized Degradation of Aluminum-Matrix Composites Reinforced with Boron Carbide Particulates,” ECS Trans., 16, (52) p. 39, 2008.
  32. H. Ding, L.H. Hihara, “Corrosion Morphologies of Aluminum-Based Materials in Solutions Containing Nickel or Cobalt Cations,” ECS Trans., 16, (43) p. 9, 2008.
  33. H. Ding, L.H. Hihara, "Galvanic Corrosion and Localized Degradation of Aluminum-Matrix Composites Reinforced with Silicon Particulates," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 155, No. 5, 2008.
  34. H. Ding and L.H. Hihara, "Effect of Embedded Titanium-Containing Particles on the Corrosion of Particulate Alumina Reinforced Aluminum-Matrix Composite," ECS Trans., 11, (15) 109, 2008.
  35. H. Ding and L.H. Hihara, "Photochemical Corrosion Diode" Model Depicting Galvanic Corrosion in Metal-Matrix Composites Containing Semiconducting Constituents," ECS Trans, 11, (18) 41, 2008.
  36. H. Ding, G.A. Hawthorn, and L.H. Hihara, "Inhibitive Effect of Seawater on the Corrosion of Particulate-Reinforced Aluminum-Matrix Composites," ECS Trans, 6, (24) 29, 2008.
  37. G.A. Hawthorn, L.H. Hihara, "Corrosivity Mapping of the Pacific Theater of Operations," CORROSION/2008, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, New Orleans, March 16 - 20, 2008.
  38. Atul Tiwari and L.H. Hihara, "High Silicone Content Barrier Coatings for Corrosion Protection of Metals," Tri-Service Corrosion Conference, December 3 - 7, 2007.
  39. G.A. Hawthorn, M. Nullet, R. Srinivasan, L.H. Hihara, "Corrosion Testing and Atmospheric Monitoring in an Active Volcanic Environment," Tri-Service Corrosion Conference, December 3 - 7, 2007.
  40. H. Ding and L. H. Hihara, “Corrosion Initiation and Anodic-Cathodic Alternation of Localized Corrosion of SiC-Reinforced Aluminum Composites in NaCl Solution”, ECS Trans, 3, (31) 237, 2007.
  41. H. Ding and L.H. Hihara, "Localized Corrosion of Silicon-Reinforced Aluminum Composites in Na2SO4 Solution, ECS Trans, 2, (9) 99, 2007.
  42. Atul Tiwari,  Ryan Sugamoto and L.H. Hihara, “Analysis of Molecular Morphology and Permeation Behavior of Polymide-Siloxane Molecular Composite for their Possible Anticorrosive Coating Application,” Progress in Organic Coatings, 57 (2006) 259-272.
  43. H. Ding and L. H. Hihara, “Electrochemical Behavior of Boron Carbide and Galvanic Corrosion of Boron Carbide Reinforced 6092 Aluminum Composites”, ECS Trans, 1 (4), 103, 2006.

Selected Publications (continued):

  1. Atul Tiwari, Ryan Sugamoto and Lloyd H. Hihara "Analysis of Molecular Morphology and Permeation Behaviour of Polyimide-Siloxane Molecular Composite for their Possible Anticorrosive Coating Application". Progress in Organic Coatings Volume 57, Issue 3, 1 November 2006, Pages 259-272.
  2.  L.H. Hihara and H. Ding, T.S. Devarajan, and G.A. Hawthorn, “Corrosion Initiation and Propagation in Particulate Aluminum-Matrix Composites,” paper 06T028, 2005 Tri Service Corrosion Conference, November 14 – 18, 2005, Orlando, Florida.
  3. R.P.I. Adler and D.J. Snoha, G.A. Hawthorn and L.H. Hihara, “Characterization of Environmentally Exposed Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite Corrosion Products as a Function of Volume Fraction and Reinforcement Specie” paper 06T0292005, Tri Service Corrosion Conference, November 14 – 18, 2005, Orlando, Florida.
  4. H. Ding and L. H. Hihara, “Electrochemical Behavior of Boron Carbide and Galvanic Corrosion of Boron Carbide Reinforced 6092 Aluminum Composites” Electrochemical Society, 208th ECS meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Oct 16-21, 2005.
  5. Hongbo Ding, L.H. Hihara, “Localized Corrosion Currents and pH Profile over B4C, SiC and Al2O3 Reinforced 6092 Aluminum Composites I. In 0.5M Na2SO4 Solution,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 152, No. 4, 2005.
  6. L.H. Hihara, “Corrosion of Metal Matrix Composites,” chapter in ASM Handbook Vol. 13B: Corrosion: Materials, Environments, and Industries,” American Society of Metals International, 2005.
  7. L.H. Hihara “Chapter 57 - Metal-Matrix Composites,” in the ASTM Manual on Corrosion Tests and Standards: Application and Interpretation, Second Edition,  American Society for Testing and Materials International, 2005.
  8. Hongbo Ding and L. H. Hihara, “Localized Corrosion Currents and pH Profile over B4C, SiC And Al2O3 Reinforced 6092 Aluminum Composites in Artificial Seawater, in Corrosion in Marine and Saltwater Environments II, D.A. Shifler, T. Tsuru, P.M. Natishan, and S. Ito, Editors, PV 2004-14, The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series, Honolulu, HI, 2004.
  9. L. H. Hihara, “Anodic and Cathodic Models for Interpreting Polarization Behavior of Ceramic-Coated Substrates Containing Pre-existing Coating Breaches,” Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2004, p. 143 - 151. Guy Bengough Award, Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining, London.
  10. L.H. Hihara, A.S. Iwane, R.E. Rocheleau, “Polarization Behavior and Corrosion-Initiation Mechanisms of Molybdenum Coated With Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon Alloy Thin Ceramic Films,” Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2004, p. 277 – 286.
  11. T. Arasu Govindaraju, L.H. Hihara, “Systematic Testing and Analysis of Corrosion at 6061-T6 Aluminum and Organic-Matrix Composite Interfaces,” Eight Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, 18 – 21 November 2003.
  12. L.H. Hihara, Hongbo Ding, Z.J. Lin, “The Formation of Anodic and Cathodic Corrosion Sites on Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composites,” Eight Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, 18 – 21 November 2003.
  13. L.H. Hihara, P. Panquites, IV, "The Potential of Electrochemical Machining for Silicon Carbide/Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composites," Abrasives and Grinding Magazine, December/January 2003, p. 12 - 17.
  14. R.M. Latanision, L.H. Hihara, “Applications and Special Corrosion Concerns Regarding Metal-Matrix Composites,” 15th International Corrosion Congress, Granada, Spain, September 23 - 27, 2002. 
  15. L. A. Gintert, L. H. Hihara, “Corrosion Considerations for Military Applications of Composite Material Systems,” CORROSION/2002, National Associate of Corrosion Engineers, April 7–11, 2002, Denver, CO.
  16. L.H. Hihara, A.S. Iwane, J.J. Yamane, R.E. Rocheleau, “Polarization Behavior and Corrosion-Initiation Mechanisms of Mo Coated with Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon Alloy Thin Ceramic Films,” 2002 Tri-Service Corrosion Conference, San Antonio, TX, January 14 – 18, 2002.
  17. L.H. Hihara, “Corrosion Mechanisms of Metal-Matrix Composites,” Seventh Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, 13 – 16 November 2001.
  18. L.H. Hihara, Z.J Lin, “Corrosion of Silicon/Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composites,” Sixth Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, 26 - 29 October 1999.
  19. L.H.Hihara, A. Iwane, S. Voss, R.E. Rocheleau, and Z.E. Zhang, "Initiation of Corrosion in Metal Substrates Coated with Plasma-Deposited Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Alloy Thin Films," Corrosion Science, Vol. 41, pp. 1403 – 1417,1999.
  20. L.H. Hihara, and P. Panquites, IV, "Electrochemical Machining of Silicon Carbide/Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composites," Fifth Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, 28 - 30 October 1997 (invited).
  21. L.H. Hihara, “Corrosion of Aluminum Matrix Composites,” Corrosion Reviews, Volume 15, Nos. 3-4, 1997.
  22. L.H. Hihara, "Corrosion of Metal‑Matrix Composites," chapter in Manual on Corrosion Tests and Standards: Application and Interpretation, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1995.
  23. L.H. Hihara and C. Tamirisa, “Corrosion of SiC Monofilament/Ti-15-3-3-3 Metal-Matrix Composites in 3.15 wt% NaCl,” Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. A198, Nos. 1-2, 1995.
  24. L.H. Hihara and R.M. Latanision, "Corrosion of Metal‑Matrix Composites," International Materials Review, Vol. 39, No. 6, 1994.
  25. L.H. Hihara and P.K. Kondepudi, "Galvanic Corrosion between SiC Monofilament and Magnesium in NaCl, Na2SO4, and NaNO3 Solutions for Application to Metal-Matrix Composites," Corrosion Science, Vol. 36, No. 9 p.p. 1585 - 1595, 1994.
  26. R.E. Rocheleau, Z.E. Zhang, A. Iwane, L.H. Hihara, "Effect of Hydrogen Bonding Characteristics on the Corrosion of Plasma Deposited Silicon Nitride Films," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 1994, Vol. 141, No. 7, pp. 1938 - 1943, 1994.
  27. R.E. Rocheleau, Z.Zhang, A. Iwane, and L.H. Hihara, "Effect of Bonding and Structural Characteristics on the Corrosion of Plasma Deposited Silicon Nitride Films," Proceedings of the 183rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, HI, 16 - 21 May 1993.
  28. L.H. Hihara and P.K. Kondepudi, "Predicting Galvanic Corrosion Rates for SiC Monofilament/Magnesium Metal-Matrix Composites in Chloride, Sulfate, and Nitrate Solutions," Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Composites, ed. by T. Chandra, and A.K. Dhingra, Wollongong, Australia, 15-19 February 1993, The Metals, Mineral and Materials Society, p. 1,207.
  29. L.H. Hihara, R. Bregman, and P.K. Takahashi, "Marine Applications for Advanced Composite Materials," Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Composites, ed. by T. Chandra, and A.K. Dhingra, Wollongong, Australia, 15-19 February 1993, The Metals, Mineral and Materials Society, p. 95.
  30. L.H. Hihara and P.K. Kondepudi, "Galvanic Corrosion of SiC Monofilament/ZE41 Mg Metal-Matrix Composites in 0.5 M NaNO3," Corrosion Science, Vol. 34, No. 11, pp. 1761-1772, 1993.
  31. L.H. Hihara and R.M. Latanision, "Suppressing Galvanic Corrosion in Graphite/Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composites," Corrosion Science, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 655 - 665, 1993.
  32. L.H. Hihara and R.M. Latanision, "Galvanic-Corrosion of Aluminum Matrix Composites," Corrosion, Vol. 48, No. 7, pp. 546-552, 1992. 
  33. L.H. Hihara and P.K. Kondepudi, "Corrosion of Magnesium Metal-Matrix Composites in 0.5 M NaNO3," Proceedings of the 6th Japan-US Conference on Composite Materials, Orlando, Florida, 22-24 June 1992, Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., pp. 551 - 519.
  34. L.H. Hihara and R.M. Latanision, "Localized Corrosion Induced in Graphite/Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composites by Residual Microstructural Chloride," Corrosion, Vol. 47, No.5, 1991, p. 335.
  35. M. Buonanno, R.M. Latanision, L.H. Hihara, and J.F. Chiang, "Corrosion of Graphite/Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composites," in Environmental Effects on Advanced Materials, ed. by R.H. Jones and R.E. Ricker, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 1991.
  36. L.H. Hihara and R.M. Latanision, "Residual Microstructural Chloride in Graphite/Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composites," Materials Science and Engineering A, A126, 1990, p. 231.
  37. L.H. Hihara and R.M. Latanision, "Localized Corrosion of Graphite Fiber/6061‑T6 Aluminum Alloy Metal-Matrix Composites in Aerated and Deaerated Sodium Sulfate Solutions", 2nd International SAMPE Metals and Metals Processing Conference, Vol. 2, Space Age Metals Technology, F.H. Froes and Ray A. Cull (editors), Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE), Dayton, Ohio, 2-4 August 1988.
  38. L.H. Hihara and R.M. Latanision, "Cathodic Overprotection of Silicon Carbide/6061‑T6 and Graphite/6061‑T6 Aluminum Alloy Metal-Matrix Composites," Scripta Metallurgica, Vol. 22, 1988.


Service Activities:

Conferences, Symposiums and Technical Committees

  • Session Chair, Eight Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, 18 – 21 November, 2003.
  • Local Steering Committee Chair, JSME/ASME International Conference on Materials and Processing 2002, Honolulu, HI, October 15 – 18, 2002.
  • Session Chair, JSME/ASME International Conference on Materials and Processing 2002, Honolulu, HI, October 15 – 18, 2002.
  • Technical Session Coordinator and Session Chair, Metal Matrix Composites and Related Materials, Sixth Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, 26 – 29 October, 1999.
  • Technical Program Chair, 1998 National Association of Corrosion Engineers Western Area, SSPC & Joint Military Corrosion Conference & Educational Courses, Honolulu, Hawaii, 13 – 23 October 1998
  • Education Chair, 1998 National Association of Corrosion Engineers Western Area, SSPC & Joint Military Corrosion Conference & Educational Courses, Honolulu, Hawaii, 13 – 23 October 1998.
  • Session Chair, Fifth Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, 28 - 30 October 1997.
  • Session Chair, The 117th Fall Annual Meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals with The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (USA), and ASM International (USA), 13 - 15 December 1995, Honolulu, HI.
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
  • Department Chair, Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai'i at Manoa (July 1999 – 2000)
  • Acting Graduate Chair, Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai'i at Manoa (July 1999 – September 1999)
University of Hawai'i at Manoa Committees
  • Engineering Dean Search Committee, Member (1999)
  • University Research Council, Member (1996 - 1999)
  • University WASC Accreditation Self Study Committee, Member (1997)
College of Engineering Committees
  • Diversity Committee (2007-2009)
  • Seed Money Committee, Member (2003 - 2004)
  • ELICIT Group, Member (1997 - 2000)
  • Curriculum Committee, Member (1996 - 1999, 2000 - 2004)
  • Math, Physics, and Chemistry Review Subcommittees, Member (1998)
  • Liaison Committee of the Educational Cluster with the Economic Development Corporation of Honolulu, Member (1996)
  • Engineering Expo Steering Committee, Member (1996 - 1998)
  • Scholarship Committee, Member (1994 - 1996)
Department of Mechanical Engineering Committees
  • Department Personnel Committee, Chair (1997 - 1999); Member (2000 - present)
  • Undergraduate Program Committee, Chair (2000 - present)
  • Program Committee: Undergraduate and Graduate Curriculum, Chair (1997 - 1999)
  • Publicity and Student Recruiting Committee, Chair (1992 - 1996)
  • Recruitment and Public Relations Committee, Member (2000 - 2004)
  • Equipment Committee, Member (1990 - 1992, 1996 - 1997)
  • Curriculum Committee, Member (1996)
  • Election Committee. Member (1989 - 1992)
  • Ph.D. Qualifying Committee, Member (1989 - 1990)
  • Faculty Meeting Recorder (1989 - 1993)
Department Advising
  • Faculty Advisor of Pi Tau Sigma (ME honor society) (1991 - present)
  • Senior Faculty Advisor (1991 - present)


  • L.H. Hihara and P. Panquites, IV "Method of Electrochemical Machining (ECM) of Particulate Metal-Matrix Composites (MMCs)," US Patent No. 6110351, 2000.
  • Atul Tiwari, L.H. Hihara, "Inter-Penetrating 'SiloxGel' Nanocomposite Coatings for Corrosion Protection," patent pending.

Provisional Patents:

  • L.H. Hihara and G.A. Hawthorn, Portable Time of Wetness Sensor

Awards, Fellowships, and Scholarships:

  • Hi Chang Chai Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Engineering, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2012, 2006, 2003, 2000
  • Guy Bengough Award, Instituteof Materials, Minerals and Mining, 2005
  • A.D. Welliver Faculty Summer Fellow, Boeing Company, 2000
  • Outstanding Faculty Award in Mechanical Engineering, Student Chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, College of Engineering, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 1997, 1994, 1990
  • Regents' Medal for Excellence in Teaching, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 1995
  • Boeing Faculty Award, Boeing Company and College of Engineering, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 1993
  • Presidential Young Investigator Award, National Science Foundation, Washington D.C., 1990
  • Student H.H. Uhlig Award in Corrosion, Greater Boston Section of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Boston, 1988
  • Materials Processing Center Industry Collegium Fellowship, Materials Processing Center, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT, 1985
  • Materials Processing Center Industry Collegium Fellowship, Materials Processing Center, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, 1983-1984
  • Achievement Rewards for College Scientists, ARCS Foundation, Inc., University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 1981-1982


  • Reviewed papers for Corrosion, Corrosion Science, and the Journal of the Electrochemical Society.
  • Reviewed proposals for the National Science Foundation.


  • AES Hawaii, Inc.
  • Aloha Airlines
  • Architectural Diagnostics
  • Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Gemini Observatory
  • California Association for Research in Astronomy, Keck Observatory
  • Hawaiian Airlines
  • Hawaiian Electric Company
  • Prometheus Construction

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